Whether it be a family business or a professionally run organization, several organizations fail to grow at a rapid pace due to lack of core competence and a scalable model. They delve on too many opportunities thereby decreasing focus. METL’s solutions focus on helping an organization identifying their core competence and develop through immediate productivity improvement measures encompassing processes, people, systems and decision making.
- Core competency identification solutions: METL believes that organizations must identify their core strengths and develop them to become core competencies. Once identified, the core competencies need to be scaled up and replicated to ensure success at a global level… Click here to read the thought note.
- Productivity improvement solutions: METL will diagnose the reason for bottlenecks in improving productivity at the senior management levels and provide solutions for them. This goes a long way in getting more done out of the existing resources through strategic reorganization, re-skilling, empowerment, exposure and redeployment…. Click here to read the thought note.